About Us

The Billings Ovulation Method Association
of Trinidad and Tobago (BOMA-TT)
The Billings Ovulation Method® is a natural method of fertility management. It is a simple way to postpone or achieve pregnancy and monitor reproductive health without drugs or devices. The Billings Ovulation Method® gives knowledge of her body that every woman ought to have and every man understand.
Learn the Billings Ovulation Method®
The best way to learn the Billings Ovulation Method® is with the assistance of a Teacher. At BOMA-TT we offer in-person and online instructions on this Method. Call or write us for more information.
If you have learned the Billings Ovulation Method® via:
1. An Accredited Teacher’s instruction
2. Our Authentic Websites : billingstt.com &/ billings.life
It is highly recommended that you:
1. Keep a record of your observations (paper or e-charting)
1. Keep a record of your observations (paper or e-charting)
2. Stay in contact with a Teacher (in-person, phone or online)

Fertility Pinpoint
Online Charting System

NFP Charting App
Available on iOS & Android

Billings User App
Available on iOS & Android
Become a Teacher
At BOMA-TT we train teachers to instruct persons on the Billings Ovulation Method®.
Contact us to become an Accredited Teacher.